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The Efficient Marketplace For Renewable Energy Tax Credits 

Powering Buyers, Sellers and Syndicators

Azalea makes it easy to launch, discover, verify and execute renewable energy tax credit transactions.

What We Do

Submit project information, create a dataroom, tap into a broad network of buyers or limit access to specific targets, enable insurers and service providers to verify projects, and secure terms.

For Sellers

Onboard projects and originate new deal flow, request project verification, engage securely with both sellers and buyers, share deals with potential buyers, submit offers and secure deals.

For Syndicators

Explore and review deal opportunities from sellers and intermediaries, request project verification, engage securely with sellers and intermediaries, submit offers and secure deals.

For Buyers

Facts & Figures

$3 trillion in clean energy
investments are estimated
over the next decade,
according to Goldman Sachs.


$500BN in tax equity is required from 2022-2031 to monetize investment and production tax credits.


95% of the increase in global
power capacity through 2026 will be clean energy.


The Inflation Reduction Act has a goal to create a net-zero economy in 2050


We're the first platform for renewable energy credits built by industry leaders and designed to serve all industry participants.

Our founding team has worked with the world's largest names in energy and finance, leading over $50BN in energy transactions across the sell side and buy side, and built world class enterprise software platforms serving major organizations.

About Azalea

Apply to join the fastest growing network of leading renewable energy credit syndicators, vetted projects and corporate buyers.

Join Our Network

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